There is also a large PDF paper on this algorithm, as well as supplementary material.Oculus’ release of Version 2.0 of Asynchronous Space Warp is currently one of the better lagless & artifactless implementations of Frame Rate Amplification Technology (FRAT). Keeping frame rates high in virtual reality is a critical mother of necessity, because stutters can cause headaches and nausea in virtual reality. The Oculus Rift VR headset included a method of reprojecting 45 frames per second to 90 frames per second, thanks to Oculus Asynchronous Space Warp (ASW).
Technology: Oculus Asynchronous Space Warp These are just only the publicly released technologies! This article is derived from a forum thread that I originally publicly posted in August 2017, but updated with new FRAT technologies publicly announced!
NVIDIA Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS). Temporal Resolution Multiplexing (new paper). Here is a list of publicly known frame rate amplification technologies: This can also include gaming monitors, and not just virtual reality headsets. High-Hz displays hugely benefit from Frame Rate Amplification Technologies (FRAT) – our umbrella term that describes technologies to increase frame rates with less GPU horsepower per frame. Increasing frame rates with less GPU horsepower, is a huge area of innovation at the moment. In the future, instead of low-detail 240fps, one can amplify high-detail 60fps into high-detail 240fps, allowing you to have cake and eat it too on your gaming monitor!įrame Rate Amplification Technologies (FRAT) On April 4th 2019, Oculus launched Asynchronous Space Warp 2.0, which is a newer method of raising frame rate, by laglessly converting 45 frames per second to 90 frames per second for Oculus Rift Virtual Reality headsets, which is perfect timing for this Blur Busters featured article. Share More Frame Rate With Better Graphics! Preview of NVIDIA G-SYNC, Part #2 (Input Lag). Preview of NVIDIA G-SYNC, Part #1 (Fluidity). 14 - G-SYNC 101: Optimal G-SYNC Settings & Conclusion. 13 - G-SYNC 101: Hidden Benefits of High Refresh Rate G-SYNC. 12 - G-SYNC 101: External FPS Limiter HOWTO. 10 - G-SYNC 101: G-SYNC Fullscreen vs. 03 - G-SYNC 101: Input Lag & Test Methodology.